MUSIC. . . David took the harp and played it, and Saul found relief and felt better . . . (1 Samuel 16:23)

David was an accomplished musician on the 10-stringed harp and even designed instruments.  While King Saul was under stress, the soft, calm music that David played for him on his harp soothed him and gave him a feeling of peace.  Why was that?

Because music is a gift from God, it has the ability to bolster our health and well-being.  Some hospitals have even piped music into intensive care units.  It has also been noted that premature babies and surgery patients often respond well to pleasant music.  Studies show that listening to relaxing music produces significant reductions in stress hormone levels during surgery.  Tanner Health System’s Harmony for Healing music therapy program was developed to help caregivers, patients, and their loved ones to cope with the stressful times that often accompany a hospital stay.

Yes, music can have a powerful influence on our heart, mind, and body!  May we use this gift well.

Take care, and have a good night.pearl_color_001


(Music Notes Photo-Courtesy of Clip Art)


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